First ring finished…

This is the first of a pair, my partner  and I have been together for 20yrs, we ‘re not married and have no plans for a wedding anytime soon but I am making us matching rings here’s a couple of pics 🙂

IMG_2643before the joining

IMG_2740After joining before polishing


And shiny 🙂




I’m also playing around with a copper and turquoise bracelet


Two in one day! jewels and sunsets

Wayhay look at me posting again! 🙂

Well it was my Jewellery class tonight, here is the results;

(please excuse the dodgy pics, I understand why iPhones need instagram, their cameras are not the best!)

IMG_2466A Turquoise and silver twist bracelet for a friends mother

IMG_2467IMG_2474A Citrine & Silver Pendant for a special friendIMG_2473Hope she doesn’t take a peek here! :/

Over the last three weeks I have been lucky enough to see three lovely sunsets, which again my camera just cannot do justice to mother nature.

IMG_2414just can’t capture the feeling

IMG_2464 & I have already posted this one but why not again 🙂

20131123-190045.jpgSo till next week :)..I might surprise and post  before!

Not been too crafty lately but..

Tonight I started my first class in Jewellery design at my local adult education centre 😀

The tutor is a lovely German lady…

and she got me working on a piece of square copper, this is what happened..

IMG_2160sawed a circle…which left me with lovely glittery hands 🙂

IMG_2162hammered it to make a dome

IMG_2163drilled it , drew on it and sawed it some more 🙂

IMG_2166Polished it to revel my wonderful errr sawing skills, top marks for wonkyness, still not bad for a beginner:)

Not quite here yet..17butterflybut working on it!

Now I need a workspace



although mine will never be this clean and tidy!

All pics not my copper are found on the dreaded but oh so loved pinterest… …yes it’s Little Ladys newest page enjoy and like 😉

Shiny egg..

Little lady has a Scientific trick book so today she made a shiny egg…13062013_001The egg is hard-boiled, as I didn’t fancy cleaning up slime today…

13062013_002completely cover egg in black soot…

13062013_006Taa daa shiny egg, photo does not do it justice..

13062013_009Then when you take it out it is dry..magic! sorry science:D

The real reason is (from the book)….’thousands of tiny bubbles form on the sooty surface, the carbon in the soot repels the water creating the bubbles. The bubbles are so small you can’t see them clearly, but they reflect the light back  to your eyes and make the egg look silvery’.