Something else I’ve been up to…

Some of you may know that my little lady started her own blog… her book review section seems to be taking over, and I’ve been helping her with that, although she doesn’t really need my help now.

Also I have started another know cause I have so much time to blog here!.. but this new blog will be about the home education group I run, with other mums, you can see it here,

In theory I shall post on Delcef every Tuesday evening, and  here Wednesday/Thursday after my Jewellery class.


🙂 😀 🙂

IMG_2340My big princesses 18th birthday pressie, before polishing!

been busy doing nothing..

But looking after family,  which does seem to take up a lot of time, particularly if you home school…which we do:D. I used to hear a lot of ‘me time’ business  when my eldest went to school, it’s not something I hear anymore really, as the reality is there is no ‘me time’ when you have a family around you 24/7 but I wouldn’t have it any other way:D

Anyway I login after  way too many weeks away and found I have been Liebster’d by the lovely lass over the river at 😀


I now have the time to respond!

So thank  you Abe:)

Her questions are;

1. Would you rather have under floor heating, or be able to walk around your house nakey.
2. If you could have a drone, what would you use it for? (e.g I’d fill it with red apple jelly beans and have it explode over my home…..or an orphanage, ok my home but an orphanage makes me sound like a less selfish person).
3. Do you want to be famous?
4. What do you find most rewarding about blogging?
5. If you had an extra £1000 how would you spend it?

My answers are;

1. I wouldn’t be able to walk around ‘nakey’ without underfloor heating..although I might end up sliding /crawling around on my butt as it is nearly always the coldest part of me…but then I’d have to worry about splinters and dust getting in the wrong holes! so think I’ll just stick with lots of jumpers and a real fire:D

2. Cleaning, cleaning, cleaning then some more cause it never ends!..then I would have time to do something charitable..after I’ve been on holiday:D

3. No…but the wages and perks would be nice

4. Actually it is the interaction with other people via comments, it wasn’t something I thought about when starting but it’s really quite nice:)

5. Realistically food and bills..never give me birthday money (well you can if you want;)) I always spend it on these, and it’s not quite enough  to get my car (Audi R8 v10 Spyder, £125,000+) so I would give some to my girls, some to daddy then get some four-inch heels that I’ll never wear out of the house..and a scarf or rarely see me out of one:)

Now think I’ll follow Abes example of 5 nominations as it’s nearly 12:30 am and I need the loo but once I go upstairs I’m not coming back down so my nominations are;

1.  Because this is my little lady’s blog she has just started and she could do with a few likes/followers..yes shameless mum marketing:)

2.  When I finally get my allotment I’ll be taking notes:)

3. Love her local graffiti pics:)

4. Because some of the cars here are mmmmmmm

5. Like a bit of sewing I does

ok  a few more..I can hold a bit longer..

6.  Local artist, lovely lady:D

7. Now little lady can make sunflowers and I can cut without smearing the colours together!

And my questions;

1. What’s your favourite time of year?

2. What makes you laugh till you can’t breath and wet yourself at the same time?

3. How many of your real friends blog..that you know of?(I only know a few but we’re oldies!)

4. What brings you the most peace?

5. What’s the best cartoon..ever?

6. Your question to me here…….

7. Why do we insist on staying up late on here?

8. Netflix or Lovefilm?

So now I’m off to inform, pee and sleep, in theory, in real life I shall inform, pee then either watch Netflix for 1.2.3 episodes or read for 1.5 hours, I decide as my head hits the pillow:)

Night night all 🙂 x

nearly forgot the rules;

You must link back to the person who nominated you.
2. You must answer the 10 Liebster questions given to you by the nominee before you.
3. You must pick 10 bloggers to be nominated for the award with under 200 followers.
4. You must come up with 10(8, sorry need the loo) questions for your nominees to answer.
5. You must go to their blogs and notify your nominees.

New iPhone!

Hahahah I have an iPhone! It was given to me… I’m so lucky:) although I would never have bought one myself I can now see me becoming juuuust a little bit addicted to it:0!
I shall now join the millions of professional instagramers and I will be able to blog more…yes this little post is being made on my iPhone hehehe.
This week I shall be preparing for my first market stall, I am totally nervous but it should be fun and now I just have a million bits of jewellery to make!