First ring finished…

This is the first of a pair, my partnerย  and I have been together for 20yrs, we ‘re not married and have no plans for a wedding anytime soon but I am making us matching rings here’s a couple of pics ๐Ÿ™‚

IMG_2643before the joining

IMG_2740After joining before polishing


And shiny ๐Ÿ™‚




I’m also playing around with a copper and turquoise bracelet


Two in one day! jewels and sunsets

Wayhay look at me posting again! ๐Ÿ™‚

Well it was my Jewellery class tonight, here is the results;

(please excuse the dodgy pics, I understand why iPhones need instagram, their cameras are not the best!)

IMG_2466A Turquoise and silver twist bracelet for a friends mother

IMG_2467IMG_2474A Citrine & Silver Pendant for a special friendIMG_2473Hope she doesn’t take a peek here! :/

Over the last three weeks I have been lucky enough to see three lovely sunsets, which again my camera just cannot do justice to mother nature.

IMG_2414just can’t capture the feeling

IMG_2464 & I have already posted this one but why not again ๐Ÿ™‚

20131123-190045.jpgSo till next week :)..I might surprise and postย  before!