Embroidery 37yrs old..


This is an embroidery that my mother made whilst pregnant with yours truly:), she would of been in her early 20’s

I had never seen it until a few years ago and loved it straight away, it has been packed away but we’ve decided to decorate(!!) this summer so thought I’d get this framed and it will live at the top of my staircase.07032013_006

I most definitely do not have my mothers sewing flair..and definitely not her knitting skills..she is one of those who can watch telly and produce an Aran jumper..tada!..
I personally don’t do knitting.



So thought I’d have a go at embroidery as I’m currently exploring the old arty side of me, and  I have this fabric which I love, got a thing for swirly patterns, but it is too small to do much with so thought I’d embroider over it as I have seen a few other artist do this with some amazing results, and for a beginner such as myself thought this was a good way to start..means I don’t actually have to design anything:) just follow the lines.

I haven’t finished, I’m currently going over the yellowish leaf on the right in a purple and I’m gonna do the stems in a different stitch.



I’ll put up the finished piece when I’ve finished..obviously! but when that will be I do not know..although I’m thinking of giving it to someone as a ‘thank you for being super’ pressie so I really should get on with it…not sit here talking about it!


two” to large..


This is the first skirt I have ever made from a pattern..it was easier than I thought it would be to follow,  but I have a lot of trouble following  any instructions that mainly consist of words..I read and re-read and then read them again and still end up lost,  but this pattern had pictures!..I sound like two-year old who only wants to look at the books with pictures:/

Unlike my youngest who always reads instructions..she is 7!

Still give me instructions with images and I’ll figure it out, its sooo much easier..I like to class myself as a visual learner;)..makes me feel better anyway hahaha 🙂







And if you couldn’t tell it is two inches to big for me..now I have to decide if I can be bothered to unpick and make it smaller or just say it’s a hipster skirt…knowing me I’ll go for the latter!

Lastest crafts

Lastest crafts

Again time has flown by..really I am sure time has sped up, what happened to those days that used to drag on for ever, I almost miss them!.  Now time just whizzes by and I haven’t done anything..my lifes not that … Continue reading

not perfect but still cool:)

Ok I don’t remember when I made my last post, even though I said something along the lines of putting stuff on here more regularly..mmm well  sorry but I get sidetracked looking at sooo many other wonderful (and some not so great) crafty sites that by the time I finished I’m asleep! what can I say!

But I am trying to be a bit more crafty myself, this week I made a dress for my youngest daughter:) I am happy with the overall look seen as I didn’t use a pattern,they soooo confuse me, but on closer inspection there are several problems..linning being the main issue, but that’s inside so I won’t go into any detail;),   it is too wide at the shoulders, as you can see in the picture and  the stitching looks like piping hahaha but I won’t kick myself too much as I am a total novice, and the little lady loves it.

I’m also not a great photographer and it seems I lack the ability to store a picture without deleting it!






This week I shall be attempting a bag for the eldest lady!