Breaking Bad…

OK I have finished watching Breaking Bad it has taken me two- three weeks to watch all five series, if I didn’t have children it would of been a one week, I can now get on with my life! talk about consume you, I loved Bryan Cranston as Hal in Malcom in the Middle,Β Β (I know heΒ  has been in a loads of shows, but most haven’t been shown here in the UK)now I love him as Walter.. although sometimes you do wanna strangle him! The things he put poor Jesse, Aaron Paul, (who I also have a soft spot for) through πŸ™‚

I have wanted a PorkPie hat for about 6yrs, now after watching Breaking Bad I realllly reallly really really want oneΒ mmm a valentines pressie for me I think πŸ˜‰

Now back to the crafty stuff!!


Evening all πŸ™‚ A friend was telling me about Zentangles which I had never heard of so after watching a load on YouTube I attempted my own!..I would love to put up some Zentangle links, but I’m using my phone for this post and its a bit too much hassle opening and closing cut n pasting etc, so you can go and check them out some are quite special πŸ™‚ ..Here is my two attempts, you can tell where I’ve made mistakes on the second one as the corner is a black blob! πŸ˜€


πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

First ring finished…

This is the first of a pair, my partnerΒ  and I have been together for 20yrs, we ‘re not married and have no plans for a wedding anytime soon but I am making us matching rings here’s a couple of pics πŸ™‚

IMG_2643before the joining

IMG_2740After joining before polishing


And shiny πŸ™‚




I’m also playing around with a copper and turquoise bracelet


Two in one day! jewels and sunsets

Wayhay look at me posting again! πŸ™‚

Well it was my Jewellery class tonight, here is the results;

(please excuse the dodgy pics, I understand why iPhones need instagram, their cameras are not the best!)

IMG_2466A Turquoise and silver twist bracelet for a friends mother

IMG_2467IMG_2474A Citrine & Silver Pendant for a special friendIMG_2473Hope she doesn’t take a peek here! :/

Over the last three weeks I have been lucky enough to see three lovely sunsets, which again my camera just cannot do justice to mother nature.

IMG_2414just can’t capture the feeling

IMG_2464 & I have already posted this one but why not again πŸ™‚

20131123-190045.jpgSo till next week :)..I might surprise and postΒ  before!

Something else I’ve been up to…

Some of you may know that my little lady started her own blog… her book review section seems to be taking over, and I’ve been helping her with that, although she doesn’t really need my help now.

Also I have started another know cause I have so much time to blog here!.. but this new blog will be about the home education group I run, with other mums, you can see it here,

In theory I shall post on Delcef every Tuesday evening, andΒ  here Wednesday/Thursday after my Jewellery class.


πŸ™‚ πŸ˜€ πŸ™‚

IMG_2340My big princesses 18th birthday pressie, before polishing!


I love LOVE toffee, especially teeth breaking toffee, almost as much as I love fireworks:) I make it throughout the year, little lady likes it with peppermint. But tonight I just made my first proper toffee apple:D and it was yummmmmmmmy & still warm as we couldn’t wait for it to cool down… & who knew it had vinegar in it.. Other than BBC Good Food site where I got the recipe πŸ˜‰ I truly will have no teeth left soon:) x
Little Lady & I are now using skewered cores as microphones… πŸ˜€ x

Not been too crafty lately but..

Tonight I started my first class in Jewellery design at my local adult education centre πŸ˜€

The tutor is a lovely German lady…

and she got me working on a piece of square copper, this is what happened..

IMG_2160sawed a circle…which left me with lovely glittery hands πŸ™‚

IMG_2162hammered it to make a dome

IMG_2163drilled it , drew on it and sawed it some more πŸ™‚

IMG_2166Polished it to revel my wonderful errr sawing skills, top marks for wonkyness, still not bad for a beginner:)

Not quite here yet..17butterflybut working on it!

Now I need a workspace



although mine will never be this clean and tidy!

All pics not my copper are found on the dreaded but oh so loved pinterest… …yes it’s Little Ladys newest page enjoy and like πŸ˜‰

Sunny Saturday in October…

We visited some ofΒ  my family that we haven’t seen in four years over the weekend, It rain all the way there, it rained all the way back but for a good few hours in between we had a glorious day and if there is one thing I LOVE, it is being on the beach.Β  I could of stayed all day but little lady, after thoroughly enjoying getting soaked started to get cold and with not much in the way of extra clothes, thankfully her coat was long,Β  we headed back…

IMG_2095IMG_2103IMG_2097IMG_2098IMG_2100IMG_2106 πŸ™‚